The prize is open to any currently registered undergraduate student at a UK university and will be awarded to the dissertations that exhibit the best overall contributions to the wide range of issues relating to rural geography. Three prizes are available – First prize for highly commended receives £75 and then two commended awards will receive £30 each.
The dissertations should be of first-class standard and be submitted by the student’s Department (Head or nominated representative) and with the student’s knowledge, in electronic format only. Please include a contact email address for the student (post-graduation if necessary). Please note that we can only accept one entry from any department and nominated dissertations should not be submitted for consideration for any other RGS-IBG prizes. Please ensure that the topic of the dissertation clearly focuses upon or aligns with rural geography.
Electronic submissions to: fiona.williams@chester.ac.uk (Dr Fiona Williams, University of Chester).
Deadline: 15 July 2021
The RGRG is offering a £50 prize for the best taught Masters dissertation. The prize is available to students who have completed a taught Masters degree and produced a dissertation in a subject area related to rural geography.
Please note that for practical purposes. Dissertations should be submitted with the student’s knowledge and a (post-studies) contact address for the student included in the nomination. Electronic submissions only please.
Submissions to: fiona.williams@chester.ac.uk (Dr Fiona Williams, University of Chester).
Deadline: 31 October 2020