Prof. Sarah Neal (University of Sheffield)
Dr Anna Gawlewicz (University of Glasgow)
Dr Jesse Heley (Aberystwyth University)
Rhys Dafydd Jones (Aberystwyth University)
Rural spaces have always been defined by mobility even as they have been presented as fixed and static. The forms of mobility have become more intense and complex over the last decade reflecting an extended period of rural restructuring and diverse rural migration patterns, on-going global social shocks, and permacrisis. The renewed focus on borders and restricting migration, the impacts Covid-19, and rising costs of living and associated housing crises are all working to constrain mobilities. Conversely, permacrisis can also lead to other forms of mobility, including relocation to more affordable areas, and movements of people seeking work, sanctuary, and refuge. The permacrisis-mobility nexus poses significant challenges for a range of rural groups, communities, and localities. These include disruptions of conflict, displacement, isolation as well as connections, situated shared lives, and practices of solidarity. In this session, we will explore how different forms of mobilities to, from, arrival, return, and within the countryside are entwined with broader social, political, economic, everyday/personal life changes and permacrisis thinking.
We invite contributions engaging with (but not limited to) the following:
– Crisis, mobility/migration and the countryside
– Rural communities, social divisions, solidarities, gentrification and im/mobility
– Rural poverty and social exclusion
– Rural racisms, racialised inequalities and discrimination
– Rural mental health
– Sanctuary politics and living together in rural areas
– Nature, rural materialities, and social dis/connections
– Everyday rural social life, social practices and mobility
– Decolonising the countryside
– Alternative rural futures
– New methodological approaches to researching rural mobilities
Keywords: permacrisis; mobility; migration; rurality.
Submission deadline: Please submit an abstract of no more than 250 words to by the close of Friday 16th February 2024.