Many thanks to the RGRG for financial support to attend the XXVIII European Society for Rural Sociology Congress in Trondheim, Norway. Set in the beautiful town of Trondheim, Norway a hub of innovation, healthy living and ‘the art of the possible’ for peripheral geographies, we were hosted by the town at the meet and greet reception, tasting local gastronomic foods and meeting our international colleagues.

The Conference proper, was a buzz of presentations on topics which resonate with many of those appearing in the RGS-IBG 2019. From Smart Rural Futures, (in)equities, sustainable agriculture and food production to the contentions/opportunities apparent and emerging in our rural societies. The breadth of knowledge and discussion offered something for everyone. In addition to my presentation on Rural Small Business Innovation and Digital (Dis)Connectivity, the Conference was a hub of insight sharing, discussions, new partnerships formed, and old ones continued. It was good to see digital on the agenda in such volume with all its ‘warts and all’, and the impact of this on rural communities.

As always, the RGRG was well represented and supportive to those new and acquainted in the rural geography sphere, and I thank those who make the seamless effort to include all those they meet. The busy conference schedule enabled adequate breakout time and afterhours socialising to while away the daylight hours (don’t think the sun dipped past the horizon much between days) sharing, debating ‘the rural’ in all its guises whilst enjoying the Nordic space – not least the plentiful microbreweries – thanks Keith! So, thank you RGRG for supporting my attendance and all other aspects which come with being part of this group.
Megan Palmer-Abbs 2019