Conveners: Dr Megan Palmer-Abbs (NRI) & Dr Camilla Risvoll (NRI)
Peripheral Regions are often the earliest and hardest hit by Climate Change events. Much research has been orchestrated which seeks to identify and mitigate both the predicted impacts, and real time impacts, of climate change which affects those who live, work and visit these regions (Barnett, 2010; Hinrichs, C, 2014; Leichenko, R, 2018; MacElroy, C , 2018, Nunn, P and Kumar, R , 2019; ).
This session seeks to bring together research (applied and theoretical) which represents the challenges and opportunities peripheral regions across the globe are tackling. Whether you are in the Arctic, sub-Saharan Regions, coastal zones, or other areas affected by an early onset of impacts (social, economic, environmental) associated with climate change, we wish to hear from you.
We are keen to hear from those addressing, but are not exclusive to, the following areas:
- Peripherality
- Climate change
- Circular Economies
- Transitional strategies and thinking
- Policy and legislation
- Applied or theoretical research and paradigm shifts
Five key words: Peripherality; Climate Change; transitional thinking
Barnett, J. a. (2010). Climate Change and Small Island States: Power, Knowledge and the South Pacific. London : Earthscan.
Hinrichs, C. (2014). Transitions to sustainability: a change in thinking about food systems change? Agriculk\ture and Human Values, 143–155.
Leichenko, R. (2018). Vulnerable Regions in Chnaging Climate . In D. Wójcik, The New Oxford Handbook of Economic Geography (pp. 665-683). Oxford : Oxford Press .
MacElroy, C . (2018). Reconseptulaising Resource Peripheral. In D. Wójcik, The New Oxford Handbook of Economic Geography (pp. 715-732). Oxford: Oxford Univeristy Press .
Nunn, P and Kumar, R . (2019). Measuring Peripherality as a Proxy for Autonomous Community Coping Capacity: A Case Study from Bua Province, Fiji Islands, for Improving Climate Change Adaptation. Social Science, 219 – 225.